Have you ever wondered about birds
you see perching on a building, roosting in a nearby tree, or pecking at food on the sidewalk?


BUS BIRDING is a new art-science-transportation project created for the Long JUMP route that runs primarily along Arapahoe Avenue in Boulder County.

The project transforms buses and bus stops into bird watching sites for the bus riding community and novice bird watchers. It also encourages experienced birders to start riding the bus to their bird watching sites.

Two equally important goals drive the project. The first is to inspire more people to ride the bus. The second is to help them become better acquainted with the surprising number and variety of birds that live all around us.

Please explore this website, ride the Long JUMP to learn more about the project and the people who helped make it possible.



Click to download the PDF Bus Birding Brochure in English or Spanish

What's so great about riding the bus?

What's so great about watching birds?

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